KUZA provides you with detailed online farming video courses, one-on-one support and on-farm services to make sure you succeed in your next farming venture.
We offer you detailed short video courses for the best learning experience. The content is curated from the best experienced farmers and farm experts.
Get help and support by engaging with experienced farmers and experts directly on Kuza. Join our farming forums to share, interact and learn from other farmers.
We offer you access to professional support on the farm from trusted experts in extension services during your initial stages of farming to help you get started.
Access other farm services to help you succeed in farming, including farm visits, access to farm inputs, labour, farm managers, agronomists and other farm services.
This course gives you detailed tutorials on what mushroom farming is all about, and how you can easily get started with support from experienced farmers and experts.The course is offered to you by Kuza in association with the Potentate farms and mushroom complex.
Watch PromoBook a visit on one of our partner farms. Farm visits are a great way to get on the ground fast and start learning from the real experts one to one. You will learn the best practices to farm mushrooms, onions, tomatoes and other crops.
Book a Farm VisitOur starter kits contain everything you need to get started farming. We put our courses and services together into an affordable bundle